Week 21: Floating
I first came across floating only a couple of weeks before the actual date took place. It was in a social deal app, and I immediately thought I ought to try it out.
Floatation pods are a weight and sound-free environment containing water with Epsom salt (magnesium sulphate) dissolved inside. The water is heated to skin temperature so that the sensation of the water on the skin slowly fades away. The buoyancy created by the dense salt solution removes the feeling of gravity, which then leaves you with a feeling of weightlessness. This environment allows the physical body to release stress. At least, that’s what the commercials say.
When I arrived at the spa, I got a glass of water and an explanation of the procedure. I had to take a shower before entering the pod. Once inside, I could close the upper lid so that I was in my own bubble. My body was able to easily relax, but thoughts kept running through my brain. But what I did notice is that my thoughts slowed down the longer I was in the water. It was nice to be in an environment with little input, a perfect counterweight for every day life.
After the hour was over, a soft voice told me that it was time to leave the pod. After the floating, I was offered another glass of water as I continued to relax for a couple of minutes, so that I didn’t have to immediately run back to the stresses of everyday life.
Lieve Freia, Wat geweldig! Hoe mooi dat je je proces deelt met de wereld! Ik heb bewondering voor hoe je…