Week 8: Breakfast in a Church Hotel

Martin’s Patershof is a beautiful church hotel in Mechelen that is well worth a visit, according to my sister-in-law. It’s only 5 kilometers from where I live, so spending the night there would feel like a waste of money, but having breakfast there not so much…
I contacted the hotel to ask if it was possible to come in only for the morning meal, and they replied positively (of course guests get priority). It was a beautiful space where breakfast was served, and I really enjoyed the variety of foods while looking at the other guests, and not having to rush for once, just taking my time instead.
Afterwards, contemplating my date, I noticed that this activity was more aimed at the adult in me, and not so much at the inner artist/inner child. The latter enjoys creating more, and being outside, with animals etc. But that in itself is still valuable to know.
Here’s the link to the hotel’s website:

Lieve Freia, Wat geweldig! Hoe mooi dat je je proces deelt met de wereld! Ik heb bewondering voor hoe je…